week13(12/10)Ruler Construction, Compass Construction

Given the midpoint C of a line segment AB, construct a line parallel to AB passing through a given point D using ruler only.

The straight lines l and m are parallel, construct the midpoint of A and B on m using ruler only.

Through the point A lying outside the given straight line l and m, draw a straight line parallel to the given ones using ruler only.

Given A, B on m and l parallel to m, construct C on m with AB = BC using ruler only.

Given a circle and its center, construct an inscribed square using ruler only.

Construct the inversion of a point with respect to a circle using the compass alone. (You may assume the point lies outside the circle.)

Given two points, construct its midpoint using the compass alone.

Given a circle and its center, construct an inscribed square using compass only.

Construct the vertices of a regular pentagon using the compass alone.