week12(12/03)Famous Curves Drawn from Parametric Representation

the ellipse from its parametric representation
x = a cos t
y = b sin t

the hyperbola from its parametric representation
x = a sec t
y = b tan t

the Bullet's Nose from its parametric representation
x = a cos t
y = b cot t

the Cross Curve from its parametric representation
x = a sec t
y = b csc t

the folium of Descartes given by
x^3 + y^3 - 3xy = 0

the Witch of Agnesi from its parametric representation
x = tan t
y = cos^2 t

the hyperbola is known as the lemniscate

the Bowditch Curve from its parametric representation
x = cos 3 t
y = sin 4 t

the graph of the Chebyshev Polynomial from its parametric representation
x = cos t
y = cos 3 t

the Lemniscate of Gerono from its parametric representation
x = cos t
y = sin t cos t